Friday, 14 December 2012

9P Santa's Sleighs

Christmas Cakes

Here are the Year 10B Christmas cakes now iced in their own creative ways:

Later I will post the next round of Santa's Sleighs and Yule Logs :)

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Final weeks of the term.....

Christmas cakes ready to be iced:

Some finished Year 7P desk tidies:

My 8O2 group have been busy with decorating the room with Christmas Bunting and paper chains!

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Tis the season to be jolly

Finally a time to show you the Christmas themed week we are having so far, whilst waiting for the final christmas cakes to bake.

Year 9T made their Santa's Sleighs

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Day done and a TD day tomorrow, lucky students with their extended weekend. 
Really, really pleased with the Year 7P group this afternoon and I think they are rather proud of the work they did today:

Desk Tidies that show a range of skills; finger joints in wood, shape cut out using coping saws and pillar drill; vaccum formed trays and acrylic tubes measured and bent into shape using the Strip Heater and Heat Gun.
First time through with this project and it is going well :)

Year 7C this morning and their Danish Pastries:

Manic morning planning:
 Above, my Learning Group 8O2 are taking it in turns in small groups to run Christmas themed sessions.  1st group yesterday ran a Maths themed Christmas quiz.  Today the next group are running a decoration competition for the room!!

Year 7 practical Danish Pastries first followed by Christmas cake demo for the Year 10B group, just got 5 minutes peace before the mayhem!! :)

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

As part of their assessment Year 9 students are required to complete a planning sheet for their assessed practical.  Examples below of Level 5 to Level 7 pieces.
Level 7
Level 6

 Level 5

Evaluation of practical assessment and extended writing

Year 9 P and T, both groups will be making the Santa's sleigh next week:
9T - 10/12/12
9P - 14/12/12


Base; 1 large swiss roll and 3 mini swiss rolls
Icing; 200g butter; 2tbsp cocoa powder; 3giant chocolate fingers (flake, twix etc for sleigh runners); selection of sweets to fill the sleigh; 2 yellow lollipops for the headlights; strawberry laces for reins; plate or board; santa decoration (or model)

And don't forget the container!!!
Year 10A and B Christmas Cakes next week:
10A - 11/12/2012 making the cake and icing the cake on the 18/12/2012
10B - 10/12/2012 making the cake and icing the cake 13/12/2012 demonstration is tomorrow!


120g butter/margarine
170g sugar
340g dried fruit
225ml water
1tsp bicarbonate soda
1/2 tsp mixed spice
2 eggs
120g plain flour
120g self raising flour
pinch salt
deep cake tin and greaseproof to line it.


1 pack of marzipan
1 block of ready made icing
Decorations (plastic shapes; sweets; ready made icing etc)

Photos to be uploaded, may the best cake win :)

Year 8 Marshmallow Snowmen - 18th December

Year 8 are having a go at Snowmen marshmallow cakes:

100g Self Raising Flour; 100g Butter/Marg; 100g Caster sugar; 2 eggs; 100g icing sugar for Glace Icing; Marshmallows and sweets for decoration.  Not forgetting 12 cupcake cases and a container!!

Also a big shout to Mrs Loach our technician who made the demonstration Snowmen and copious amounts of cakes for the Year 11 Prom fundraiser today!